GEWIS Registration

Welcome! With this form you can register for a membership of GEWIS. Becoming a member of the assocations costs a one-time fee of 15 euros and your membership is valid as long as you study.

If you have any questions feel free to contact

Personal details


If you started after 2016, your username is an 8-digit number starting with the year you started at the TU/e, for example 20240001. You have received this in an email when you enrolled. Go to this page if you need help finding it. Your username will be used to verify you are studying at the department of M&CS.


Mailing Lists

As a GEWIS member, you will be automatically registered on the "GEWIS-lijst" list. This list is for announcements and activities of the study association. In addition, there are several optional mailing lists. You can subscribe to the following mailing lists. These subscriptions can be changed at a later date.


Before submitting the registration form, please review the Articles of Association, Internal Regulations, and Privacy Statement of GEWIS . Payment of the one-time membership fee is handled by Stripe, please review the Privacy Policy of Stripe .